Educational Services While Out of School During Suspension or Expulsion

Educational Services While Out of School During Suspension or Expulsion ناشناس (تایید نشده)

Note: This information is from our manual, Discipline in Public Schools.

What educational services should my child get while they are out of school on a suspension or expulsion?

Whenever a student is suspended or expelled, even for short-term suspensions, or emergency expulsions of no more than 10 school days, they need to have a chance to keep up with school work.  

If suspended or expelled for 1- 5 School Days, a student should:

  • Get class assignments and homework from teachers;
  • Have someone at the school that they can call if they have questions or problems with getting assignments and homework; and
  • Have a chance to make up tests and assignments when they return.

If suspended or expelled for 6-10 School Days, a student should:

  • get class assignments and homework
  • Have someone at the school they can contact if they have questions or problems with keeping up; and
  • Have a chance to make up assignments or tests when they get back.

Also, someone from the school must reach out to the family to coordinate assignments, and check in to see how the student is keeping up.

Long-term Suspensions or Expulsions - More than 10 School Days:

For students who will be out for more than 10 school days, the educational services must be sufficient for a student to keep up with their classes, and keep earning credits, if they are in high school. This might include some tutoring, some access to an alternative education program, or some online courses (for students who are able to access them).

The district must consider whether your child will need transportation, English language learner supports or accommodations to access the alternative educational services.

For students with an IEP, the IEP team should be involved in deciding the alternative educational services.

Find and connect with your contact person.

Check to be sure you have the name and contact information for a staff person who will be responsible for helping coordinate educational services. Also, be sure that person has your contact information.

Plan to check in periodically to make sure your child is accessing the educational services and keeping up.