Public Records Requests

Requesting OEO's Public Records

OEO works confidentially and keeps limited records of its work.  Please review OEO's Policy regarding Access to OEO's Public Records prior to contacting OEO. Public Records Policy. Please submit your request for public records directly to the Public Records Officer (contact information below).  You can submit it in any format (by electronic form, mail, email, fax or by telephone) but we prefer to receive it in writing. To help us process your request faster, please fill out an electronic Public Records Request Form

Or you can download, complete and return a PDF form. Please send the completed PDF Public Records Request Form (español: Solicitud de Registros Públicos) to:

Office of the Education Ombuds, Attn: Stephanie Palmquist, Public Records Officer
PO Box 40004
Olympia, WA 98504
1-866-297-2597 toll-free/main
1-844-886-5196 fax