Sample Letter: How do I request a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA)?

Request for a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA)


Dear IEP Case Manager/Special Education Teacher or Principal 

Re: Request for FBA

I am requesting a Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) for my child.[Add child's full name]

I am concerned that my child’s behavior is interfering with their education. [Add more detail here, for example: they are not making progress on IEP goals or it is keeping them from spending more time in general education.]

I am also requesting an IEP team (or 504 team) meeting to discuss a plan for the FBA. [Make a note here if there are specific people you want to have at the meeting. For example: I would like the school psychologist or a district behavior specialist to attend the meeting.] 

I can meet on: _______________[Add dates/times].

I look forward to your response. 


