The Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) filed emergency rules clarifying and updating Chapter 392-400 WAC Student Discipline (see OSPI Rulemaking Activity website). OSPI plans to also conduct permanent rulemaking concerning Student Discipline. The emergency rules are effective immediately and the permanent rules are anticipated to be in effect by the 2025–26 school year. Read more: New Emergency Discipline Rules From OSPI Now In Effect.
3 Key Things to Know about Student Discipline in Washington State
- Students and their families have a right to due process when a student faces discipline – that means a right to notice and an opportunity to be heard;
- Schools are encouraged to limit out of school suspensions and expulsions, and can only use long-term suspensions and expulsions for certain serious behaviors.
- All students have the right to continue receiving educational services during any suspension or expulsion.
The Right to an Education
Every student living in Washington State has a right to access a free public education. The right to an education continues even if a student makes a mistake, breaks a rule, or is suspended or expelled. Students can learn from mistakes, and they can do their best learning when they are supported by trusted adults.
Ideally, school discipline will:
- respond to the needs and strengths of students;
- support students in meeting the school’s behavior expectations; and
- keep students in classrooms as much as possible.
Schools must keep families informed and involved when discipline issues arise. Schools must also make sure that discipline rules are applied fairly, and address disparities in discipline.
This web page gives information and ideas about how to support individual students facing discipline. It also shares ideas for working with your school community to reduce disparities and improve discipline practices overall.
We hope this web page will help answer many questions about student discipline, but it won’t answer them all. Please do not hesitate to reach out to our office if you have any questions or concerns relating to student discipline in Washington’s k-12 public schools. You can find us online at, or by email at, or by phone at 1-866-297-2597.
Our office is one place to contact for information and support on student discipline. You can also reach out to your school district, and to the Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, or “OSPI.” OSPI is our state’s education agency that is responsible for developing the state rules on student discipline. OSPI has created resources for families and educators to help understand recent changes to student discipline rules. You can find those resources, and contact information for OSPI’s student discipline program staff on OSPI’s website at:
Click on the links below to read more:
- School Discipline Rules
- Discipline at School - Classroom Exclusions & In-School Suspensions
- Out of School Suspensions and Expulsions
- Educational Services While Out of School During Suspension or Expulsion
- Getting Back to School after Suspensions or Expulsions
- Reengagement Planning after Long-term Suspension or Expulsion
- Petitions for Readmission and Behavior Agreements
- School Discipline and Juvenile Justice
- Disproportionality and Bias in School Discipline
- Conclusion & Tips - Preventing and Responding to Student Discipline
- Some Additional FAQs on Student Discipline
- Sample Request Form Letters