Functional Behavioral Assessments او Behavior Intervention Plans (FBAs او BIPs)

Functional Behavioral Assessments او Behavior Intervention Plans

(FBAs او BIPs)


یوه Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) په لاندې ډول ده:

  • د پوښتنې حلولو پروسه ده تر څو د چلند پر دندو پوه شي.
  • دغه راز د یوه واحد زده کوونکي لپاره پر خپل چلند د پوهېدو په پار یو ډول ارزیابي هم کېدی شي.


په یوه functional behavioral assessment (FBA، د چلند وظیفوي اروزنه) کې عموماً مشاهده او معلوماتو راټولول، پر لاندې مواردو نظر اچول شامل دي:

  • هغه چاپېریال چې چلند پکې پېښېږي،
  • ABC:- مخکینۍ پېښې (هغه څه چې تر چلند مخکې پیښیږي)، په خپله چلند او عواقب\پایلې (هغه څه چې تر چلند وروسته پیښیږي) او
  • نور هغه فکتورونه چې ښايي پر چلند نفوذ ولري.


FBA په دې په اړه فرضیه جوړوي چې چلند کومه "وظیفه" یا موخه وړاندې کوي، چې په دې ترتیب ټیم داسې بدیل "بدلون" چلندونه معرفي کولی شي چې کولی شي په زده کړه کې له مداخلې يرته ورته فعالیت ترسره یا ورته اړتیا پوره کړي.


په FBA کې راټول شوي معلومات عموما د Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP، په چلند کې د مداخلې پلان).

په ښوونځي کې له زده کوونکي څخه د چلند بېلابېلې تمې کېږي. عموماً تمه ترې کیږي چې چپ کېني، ښوونکي ته غوږ ونیسي، قدم ووهي، منډه ونه کړي، د کور دننه غږونه وکاروي او نورو ته درناوی وکړي.



که موږ هڅه وکړو چې په بېلابېلو چاپېریالونو کې د ټولګیوو په بېلابېلو کچې کې ټولې تمې او په بېلابېلو ټولګیو او ښوونځیو کې د چلند لپاره ډیری بېلابېلې لارې چارې شاملې کړو، دغه لیست نه ختمېدونکی کیدی شي.


زده کوونکي باید د چلند په برخه کې تمې د زده کړې فرصتونو ته داسې اړتیا لري لکه څنګه چې د لوستلو، لیکلو او ریاضي زده کړې فرصتونو ته اړتیا لري.


دوی د دې زده کړې فرصت ته اړتیا لري چې تمه کېدونکي چلندونه څنګه ښکاري، څنګه دغه تمې پوره کړي او ولې مهمې دي. دوی دې فرصتونو ته اړتیا لري چې تمرین وکړي، له تیروتنو څخه زده کړي او مثبت غبرګون ترلاسه کړي، کله تمې پوره کوي.


کله ښوونځي له کورنیو سره د چلند په برخه کې د تمو په هکله معلومات شريکوي، کورنۍ زده کړه په کور دویم ځلي عملي کولی شي.


که زده کوونکي د چلند په برخه کې د تمو پوره کولو په تړاو ستونزه لري، لومړی ګام دا کتل دي چې ایا زده کوونکی پوهېږي چې د څه شي تمه ترې کېږي او دا چې دغه تمې څنګه پوره کړي.


که د زده کوونکي چلند د زده کړې مخه نیسي او د حل تر هڅو وروسته يې دوام کوي، نو ښوونځي او کورنۍ پر دې پوهېدو لپاره یو ځای کار کولی شي چې دغه چاره له کومه کېږي او زده کوونکی په چلند کې څه شی شریکوي.


که د چلند د حل هڅې بریالۍ نه وي او چلند د زده کړې په برخه کې مداخله کوي، نو ښايي د چلند پر "وظیفه" یا موخه باندې د پوهېدو او د اغېزمنو او مثبتو مداخلو د لارښوونې لپاره یوه Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) اړینه وي.


په ځینو شرایطو کې FBA اړینه ده، کله چې یو معلول ماشوم د 10 ورځو یا ډېر وخت لپاره وځنډول یا اخراج شي. FBA د معلولیت لرونکی یا نه لرونکي ماشوم د ملاتړ لپاره ګټوره وسیله کیدی شي.


که اندېښمن یاست چې د ماشوم چلند مو د زده کړې مخه نیسي، د تکراري انضباطي کړنو لامل کیږي یا مو د ماشوم زده کړې په عمومي چاپېریال کې د ډیر وخت څخه ساتي، کولی شئ له ښوونځي وغواړئ چې ترسره FBA کړي او یو BIP جوړ کړي.


د لا زیاتو معلوماتو لپاره د OEO د FBAs او BIPs په اړه FAQs چک لیستونو ته یو نظر وګورئ: هغه شیان چې په FBA او BIP کې يې وګورئ او د FBA د غوښتنې او د BIP بیاکتنې لپاره نمونېه ییز لیکونه.

What if my child already has a BIP but is still struggling with behavior?

If a child’s behaviors continue even after a BIP has been developed and implemented, or if new challenging behaviors start, consider asking for a meeting to review the current plan and consider next steps.

Before the meeting, you can ask the team working with your child to share the data collected under the current behavior plan. As the team reviews the most recent data regarding your child’s behavior, you can consider whether:

  • There is enough information to make changes to the current BIP and continue to track progress; or
  • The team needs updated information about the possible purposes and triggers of your child’s behavior.

If new, updated information is needed, a new FBA can be done to help design an updated BIP.

Generally, new behavioral interventions will take time to show results, and the team may want to allow at least six weeks or a month and a half to give your child time to learn the new expected behavior.

Where can I learn more about FBAs and BIPs?

Washington State Special Education Rules (the WACs):

OSPI (Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction):

Guidance for Families re Behavior and Discipline:

Model State Forms for Special Education, including FBAs and BIPs:

U.S. Department of Education Dear Colleague Letter

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports in IEPs, August 1, 2016:

Checklist: What things should I look for in an FBA?

Things to look for in an FBA

  • Does it define a specific behavior that is observable and measurable
    • Can you picture it in your mind?
    • Would a stranger imagine the same behavior if they read the description?
    • If it says something general like “disruptive behavior” – ask for a more concrete, specific definition. (see examples below)
  • Does it explain how often, when and where that behavior occurs?
    • Is there recent data showing how often it has been happening?
    • Does the information describe how often and when the behavior is occurring in your child’s current placement or setting?  (if the placement has changed since the FBA was completed, a new look may be needed).
  • Does it consider environmental factors?
    • ​​​​​​​Does it consider how the dynamics of the classroom, hallways, lunchroom, gym or recess might influence the behavior?
    • ​​​​​​​Does it consider how instruction – both what is taught and how it is taught – might influence the behavior? 
    • ​​​​​​​Does it consider how interaction with peers or adults might influence the behavior?
  • Does it reflect information you have been able to share regarding your child’s behavior, including:
    • ​​​​​​​Whether/when/how often the behaviors that occur in the classroom or at school also happen in other settings;
    • ​​​​​​​What you have observed regarding what seems to trigger inappropriate behaviors; and
    • ​​​​​​​What you have found seems to be successful in calming, redirecting or motivating your child.
  • Does it take into account information about your child’s mental health? Or experience with trauma, if that is relevant?
  • Does it include a suggestion about the purpose of the behavior that makes sense in light of the data?

Examples: General versus Concrete or Specific Behaviors

Examples: General Examples: Concrete, Specific
Aggressive behavior Hitting, biting, kicking, pinching (self, adults, or other students), etc.
Self-injurious behavior Hitting head, biting fingers, scratching, etc.
Disruptive behavior Blurting out in class, making noises, slamming door, etc.
Time off task Sleeping, walking around classroom, throwing or dropping papers, pencils, etc.

Checklist: What should I look for in a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)?

Things to look for in a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)

  • Does it describe a specific behavior that the team is going to work on reducing?
  • Does it describe a specific, appropriate alternative or “replacement” behavior that the team is going to help your child learn and practice?
  • Does it explain to adults working with your child what they can do in order to avoid things that trigger your child’s inappropriate behavior?
  • Does it describe warning signs that might mean your child is getting upset?
  • Does it explain to adults working with your child what they can do to help your child feel safe and de-escalate if they get upset?
  • Does it describe a set of things that your child likes that can be used to reinforce and reward your child for positive behavior? 
  • Does it include a plan to taking data to see how the interventions are working?    

Sample Letter: How do I request a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA)?

Request for a Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA)


Dear IEP Case Manager/Special Education Teacher or Principal 

Re: Request for FBA

I am requesting a Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) for my child.[Add child's full name]

I am concerned that my child’s behavior is interfering with their education. [Add more detail here, for example: they are not making progress on IEP goals or it is keeping them from spending more time in general education.]

I am also requesting an IEP team (or 504 team) meeting to discuss a plan for the FBA. [Make a note here if there are specific people you want to have at the meeting. For example: I would like the school psychologist or a district behavior specialist to attend the meeting.] 

I can meet on: _______________[Add dates/times].

I look forward to your response. 




Sample Letter: How do I request a review of a Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP)?

Request for Review of a Behavioral Intervention Plan (BIP)


Dear IEP Case Manager/Special Education Teacher

Re: Request for Meeting to Review My Child’s Behavior Plan

I am requesting an IEP team (504 team) meeting to review my child’s Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP).

At the meeting, I hope we can review recent behavior data and talk about how the plan is working.

At least a few days before the meeting, please send me copies of the data collected over the past (months/weeks/year) relating to the behavior plan. 

I can meet on: __________ [dates/times].

I look forward to your response.


