Parent Teacher Conferences
Preparing for School Meetings and Teacher Conferences
Many parents find that bringing some notes about their student's strengths and challenges can help them to ask questions and discuss concerns with the teacher. Here are some tips:
Before the Conference
- Find out your student's questions and concerns about school.
- Check progress reports, notes, and work your student brings home.
- Write a list of questions you want to ask the teacher and bring it with you.
- Write information about what is happening at home that you think the teacher should know.
- Call the school office if you need an interpreter or a different time or day for the conference.
During the Conference
- Remember to ask your questions before time runs out.
- Ask the teacher what your student should know and be able to do by the end of the school year.
- Make a plan for how you and the teacher will work with your student to reach those goals.
- Find out the best times and ways to communicate with the teacher (email, phone calls or notes).
- Share what works best for you, too.
After the Conference
- Talk with your student about the teacher's comments - especially the positive ones!
- Follow up on the plan you made with your student and the teacher.
- Keep up with information shared by the school such as newsletters and notes from the teacher. If you speak a language other than English, you can request materials in your primary language.
- Contact the teacher whenever you have questions.
Parent Teacher Conferences come up early in the fall. These conferences are for you to share information with the teacher, too, and not just to receive information. They can be short meetings and sometimes feel rushed. You do not need to wait for a conference to share your concerns or ask questions, you can email or contact the teacher at any time.
Things to Consider Sharing with the Teacher During the Conference
- Ways that your student learns best.
- Any big changes impacting your student - a new home, new people in the home, death or divorce, etc.
- Medical conditions that affect your student, if you feel comfortable sharing.
- Things that helped your student learn successfully in the past.
- Things your student enjoys most about school and the classroom.
- Things that are challenging for your student in this class.