華盛頓州的一項名為“貝卡法案”的州法律要求所有8至18歲的兒童定期上學。 法律要求父母或法定監護人確保他們的孩子定期上學。 學生可以在公立學校,私立學校或家庭學校就讀。除非有正當理由,否則法律要求學生每天都在全日制學習。如果學生在沒有有效理由的情況下不去學校,則該學生可能被視為“逃學”。 如果學生逃學,要求學校:
- 通知家人
- 與家長和學生見面,找出原因
- 並試著用不同的方式提高學生的出勤率。
如果這不起作用,學生和家庭可以被轉介到社區逃學委員會或法院。如果學生經常不去學校,即使有正當理由,法律現在要求學校與家人會面並與家人一起找出原因,並製定計劃幫助學生定期上學。 因為失學很多或“慢性曠課”會讓學生難以跟上。 這也有可能表明學生沒有得到需要的幫助。 當我們談論失學時,``很多''可能看起來像``一點點''-每月只有2天的缺課都會給我們帶來巨大的影響!
如果每天讓您的孩子上學是一個挑戰,那麼您的學校可以幫助打破障礙,並幫助您的孩子每天整天,準時地養成新的出勤習慣。 查看OEO的常見問題解答,了解如果學生繼續缺課可能會發生什麼,以及通過常規出勤回到正軌的方法。如果您在解決出勤率問題方面需要更多幫助,請致電我們! 請訪問我們的網站https://oeo.wa.gov/zh-hant,或致電1-866-297-2597。
- 通知父母出勤規則,並簽名以表明他們收到了通知
- 每當學生缺課時通知家長,
- 與學生和家長見面找出原因,
- 嘗試不同策略提高出勤率,某些情況下,
- 將家長或學生引介到社區逃學管理委員會或法庭。
- 來學校
- 要準時
- 每天都來,除非有合理理由。
- What about children younger than 8? Do they have to be in school?
- What about teenagers? Can they leave school before turning 18?
- What is an "excused" or "unexcused" absence?
- Who decides whether an absence is excused?
- What if my child is late to school? Or skips a class?
- What if my child is sick a lot, and can’t make it to school?
- What does missing “a lot” of school mean?
- What will happen if my child misses a lot of school?
- Can I (the parent) get in trouble if my child misses a lot of school?
- Can my child be suspended for missing school or being late to class?
- The school asked me to meet to talk about my child’s absences – how can I prepare for the meeting?
- Should my child attend too?
- What kind of things could the school do to help?
- When can my child be sent to truancy court?
- What happens when a district files a truancy petition?
- What is a Community Engagement Board?
- What can happen if my child has to go to court for truancy?
- What happens if my child misses more school when there is already a truancy case?
- Can a child with an IEP be sent to court for truancy?
- What if I, the parent, have a disability and need accommodations?
- What if I don’t speak or read English well?
- What if my child just doesn’t want to go to school, but is keeping up with work at home?
- What if my child is anxious about school and gets angry, breaks down, or just won’t get out of bed?
- What if my foster child has already missed school from moving around a lot, and will have to miss more for court and other appointments?
- What if we lost our housing and my child misses school while we are trying to find a new place? Can I get help from the school?
- What if I feel school has not been a positive place for my child? Do I have to keep sending my child even they are being bullied, facing discrimination, or constantly getting in trouble?
- How can OEO help?
- Where else can I find help or more information?