- Schools and districts must provide interpretation when needed to communicate effectively with families who request an interpreter.
- ኣብያተ-ትምህርትን ወረዳታትን ተርጓሚ ከቕርባ ኣለወን ኣብ ዘድልየሉ እዋን ብዚግባእ ሓሳብ ንሓሳብ ንምልውዋጥ ስድራ-ቤታት ድማ ተርጓሚ ኣብ ዝሓትሉ።
- For interpretation to be effective, everyone involved in the conversation must cooperate and make time for interpretation.
- ትርጉም ውፅኢታዊ ምእንቲ ክኸውን፡ ኣብቲ ዝርርብ ዝሳተፍ ዘበለ ኵሉ ኺተሓባበርን ግዜ ኺወስድን ኣለዎ።
- Use this card as needed during an interpreted conversation to receive a complete, accurate and understandable interpretation.
- ምሉእን ልክዕን ሩዱእን ትርጕም ምእንቲ ክትረክብ፡ ኣብ እዋን ዝርርብ ነዛ ካርድ እዚኣ ተጠቐመላ።
- Remember, if you do not understand something; ask the person you are talking with to explain. The interpreter can interpret your request for explanation but should not try to answer your questions.
- ሓደ ነገር እንተ ዘይተረዲእካ፡ ነቲ እተዘራርቦ ዘለኻ ሰብ መብርሂ ክህበካ ሕተቶ። እቲ ተርጓሚ ነቲ መብርሂ ንኽወሃበካ ሕቶኻ ክትርጉሞ ይኽእል እዩ፡ ንሕቶታትካ ክምልሰልካ ግን ክፍትን የብሉን።
- If you believe the interpreter is not interpreting correctly, you can ask to re-schedule with another interpreter.
- እቲ ተርጓሚ ብትኽክል ከምዘይትርጉም ዝብል እምነት እንተሃሉዪካ፡ ምስ ካልእ ተርጓሚ እንደገና ሓድሽ ቆጸራ ክትሕዝ ትኽእል ኣኻ።
- Pardon me, I would like to ask…
- ይቅሬታ፡ ክሓትት ምስ ደለኹ ሕቶ ኣሎኒ…
- Please pause so the interpreter can tell me what you have said.
- ሓንሳብ ዕረፍቲ መታን እቲ ተርጓሚ እንታይ ከም ዝበልካ ክነግረኒ።
- Please repeat that, I am afraid it was not all covered in the interpretation.
- ነዓኣ እስከ ድገመለይ፡ ኣብ ምትርጓም ኩሉ ዘይተሸፈነ ከይከውን ዝብል ስጋኣት ኣሎኒ።
- Could we slow down a bit to be sure the interpreter is able to give a full interpretation?
- ቁሩብ ቀስ ክንብል ንኽእልዶ እቲ ተርጓሚ ምሉእ ብምሉእ ክቱርጉም ንክኽእል፧
- Could you both repeat what you said, one at a time, so we can be sure the interpreter can cover everything?
- ክልቴኹም እንታይ ከምዝበልኩም ክትደግሙዎ ምኸኣልኩም’ዶ ሓደ ብሓደ፡ መታን እቲ ተርጓሚ ኩሉ ከምዝሸፈኖ ርግጸኛታት ክንከውን ክንክእል፧
- I do not understand the interpretation very well. Could we try to reschedule with another interpreter?
- ነቲ ትርጉም ኣጸቢቐ ኣይርድኦን እየ ዘለኹ። ምስ ካልእ ተርጓሚ ብ ካልእ ቆጸራ ክንራኸብ ንኽእልዶ፧
Interpretation Support Tips Card Printable PDF
መተርጎሚ ካርድ |